Monday, July 21, 2008

I offer three different kinds of readings.

The first is a simple phone reading. We talk about what’s currently going on with your life and I tell you what I hear/sense about what patterns are currently existing. These start at a half-hour.

The second is the physical reading. I’ll need a current photo of you. We proceed as above.

The third is the full-physical reading. I’ll need at least two full-length current photos of you, one front and one sideways. The ideal is 4 photos, front, either side, and back. This takes an hour, sometimes more.

In each kind of reading, the physical/spiritual/emotional/mental aspects may take precedence. The longer readings are focused on the physical (since that is my current specialty), but what I sense can take us in any one of the four directions listed above.

I’m happy to take email questions after the readings. One set of questions per reading, please.