Wednesday, July 16, 2008


One of the ways my gift operates is by sensing energy patterns in your physical body that express themselves as disease processes. I have a gift for diagnosing cancer. (See CANCER, below). However, my diagnosis is not a substitute for proper medical attention or diagnosis.


We are all producing cancer in our systems every day. Cells start proliferating madly; our healthy immune systems attack the cells, and things return to normal. The presence of cancer in most of us is a temporary thing. As I said above, I have a gift for diagnosing cancer. Sometimes I can see that it’s a temporary thing; other times, it’s not being eliminated. I can point that out and you can seek additional confirmation and treatment. And, as I said above, sometimes what I see is the shadow of future cancer. I can’t always tell the difference between present and future cancers.


I offer three different kinds of readings.

The first is a simple phone reading. We talk about what’s currently going on with your life and I tell you what I hear/sense about what patterns are currently existing. These start at a half-hour.

The second is the physical reading. I’ll need a current photo of you. We proceed as above.

The third is the full-physical reading. I’ll need at least two full-length current photos of you, one front and one sideways. The ideal is 4 photos, front, either side, and back. This takes an hour, sometimes more.

In each kind of reading, the physical/spiritual/emotional/mental aspects may take precedence. The longer readings are focused on the physical (since that is my current specialty), but what I sense can take us in any one of the four directions listed above.

I’m happy to take email questions after the readings. One set of questions per reading, please.


My confidentiality is similar to that of a doctor or a priest. I cannot discuss what we discover together, or talk about, without your explicit permission. I will be happy to discuss what we discover together to your designated representative. Otherwise, I keep your confidences.